In the dying days of summer 2023, out of exhausted expectations and eternal discontent, Keep You With Me became the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel when the walls were seemingly caving in.
A collective collaboration between us both, of our past ‘arrows of ambition’ that were shot to sky with the moon in sight, yet fell back to earth.
Set out to fulfill our desires, KYWM became the armor we wore when we openly and honestly confronted our past with the lights on.
Through this journey to become whole again, reclaim innocence, and let go of regret, we taught ourselves how to design, print, press, snap, stitch and sew.
Keep You With Me has become our expressive outlet where we create, share, and wear our emotions on our sleeves.
After long days, late nights, and what seemed like forever, in the fall of 2024 we finally began to share our journey with you.

Keep You With Me seeks to celebrate those connections that are made in life that are worth holding onto. In both presence and memoriam we craft these memories.
Capturing the moments when you later say, "that changed everything." We draw outside the lines, and we sew outside of them too. Feelings don't repeat, they rhyme. KYWM is happiness you can hold and sadness you can share.
Make this connection and I'll keep you with me.